Packer plugin ansible. 这是一个json文件: $ vim . The source block focuses on configuring the QEMU source, encompassing various settings such as the format, disk size, ISO checksum and URL, QEMU arguments, SSH credentials, and more. Aug 30, 2022 · The IBM Packer Plugin is a separate, standalone application; the core of Packer starts and communicates with it, and the plugin enables Packer to connect to and work with IBM Cloud resources. The Ansible multi-component plugin can be used with HashiCorp Packer to create custom images. 3. Provisionning hangs, I have to “ctrl+c” to exit. Ansible ships with many connection plugins, but only one can be used per host at a time. インフラはAWSを使います。. hc-github-team-packer mentioned this issue. ansible-galaxy collection install ansible. 2. There are two formats, JSON , that is the template that has been used historically, and HCL , that stands for HashiCorp Configuration Language, the recommended format since version 1. Oftentimes, you may well be provisioning Packer images for that same Ansible workstation; in this lab, we'll explore how to use your existing Ansible setup to provision your May 8, 2014 · Using Packer and Ansible to Build Immutable Infrastructure. The vmware_vm_inventory script takes in the same authentication information as any . It is the default communicator for a majority of builders. on the machine being created, and are configured within the builder section. exe plugin: [DEBUG] SSH handshake err: ssh: handshake failed: read tcp 127. Type: ansible-local. json plugin_min_port and plugin_max_port (number) - These are the minimum and maximum ports that Packer uses for communication with plugins, since plugin communication happens over TCP connections on your local host. Simplified Packer Buildfile. Follow the Installing Ansible guide for more information. 1:2708: wsarecv: Une connexion existante a dû être fermée par l’hôte distant. 9. Jul 30, 2020 · edited. Packer Plugin for Proxmox (`proxmox-iso` builder). Same environment, same hosts, same inventory, same vars. By default these are 10,000 and 25,000, respectively. 7. 4 adarobin / packer. Plugins. Plugin and Packer version. To make use of it, do the following: - The Packer Plugin for VMware vSphere is a multi-component plugin can be used with HashiCorp Packer to create virtual machine images for VMware vSphere. Comment the row containing validate and the build will succeed. Ansible is run in local mode via the ansible-playbook command. 8. Here's the relevant log output: May 25, 2022 · @tenthirtyam thanks for the update on this issue. Under created directory, create folders for Packer, Ansible provisioners and where the Application source code/build packages are placed. Overview of the Issue Packing without the ansible provisioner passes Dec 10, 2019 · The results of that query are provided to Ansible as an inventory file complete with the IP address Ansible needs to connect to our remote packer node. Packer 1. May 30, 2022 · The problematic keys are generated by Ansible plugin for Packer and the problem is currently being discussed in issue hashicorp/packer-plugin-ansible#69. This allows Ansible to use the existing Packer connection to the image. com wrote: Hi. 7, Packer supports a new packer init command Oct 31, 2019 · By using Packer and Ansible, with orchestration using Jenkins, it is possible to reach this level of automation. The server gets it's address and has the qemu-guest-agent active, I can see the IP in the proxmox webUI. From Sources. packer, terraform, ansibleの実行にはお互いを Community Builders. As contributors' circumstances change, development on a community maintained plugin can slow. 让我们在主目录中创建一个带有凭据的隐藏文件。. json There are a few variables that you may want to change. Jul 29, 2022 · Community Note. If you prefer to build the plugin from sources, clone the GitHub repository locally and run the command go build from the root directory. Then, create a file that ends in . I have a packer template in a base folder: Jul 3, 2018 · Packer version: Packer v1. If you run a playbook utilizing become and the playbook seems to hang, most likely it is stuck at the privilege escalation prompt. Finally, after Terraform executes successfully, you should be able to see the following resources from your Dashboard. yaml in your working directory. Callback plugins. By default, Ansible ships with several connection plugins. Exoscale builder - A builder to create Exoscale custom templates based on a Compute instance snapshot. The logs contain log messages from Packer as well as any plugins that are being used. (The same thing with AWS works perfectly) The Packer . 4 days ago · This plugin requires an S3 bucket to send files to/from the remote instance. proxmox . Packer Documentation Packer lets you create identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Defaults to // `ansible-playbook`. exe plugin: [INFO] Attempting SSH connection to 127. See hashicorp/packer-plugin-ansible#69 for more information. May 19, 2023 · Plugin and Packer version. This guide explains how to use the modules and inventory scripts to automate your AWS resources with Ansible. py","path":"provisioner/ansible Dec 12, 2018 · Deep Dive: Using Packer and Ansible to create a golden VMware image for Docker Enterprise - part 1 11 minute read Background. The Ansible local provisioner configures Ansible to run on the machine by Packer from local Playbook and Role files. A Builder is a Packer component responsible for creating a machine image. Part of the image creation process involves provisioning the machine, which can be done with a variety of provisioners, including Ansible. QEMU. For example, assuming a Windows username of user: Packer has detailed logs which can be enabled by setting the PACKER_LOG environmental variable to any value but "" (empty string) and "0" like this PACKER_LOG=1 packer build <config. mdx","path":"docs/provisioners/ansible-local. An installation starting from 0 takes less than 10 minutes without human interaction. Communicators are the mechanism Packer uses to upload files, execute scripts, etc. The most commonly used are the paramiko SSH, native ssh (just called ssh ), and If you have obtained or built a plugin binary for your OS/Architecture and want to use it with Packer, you can install it manually. With packer and ansible I want to take the latest image every month to do updates and sysprep, so I have a new updated Windows image every month in OpenStack. Playbooks that would normally work that use a local collection (unpublished) are not working with packer for me. packer-plugin-arm-image - simple builder lets you extend on existing system images. Playbooks and Roles can be uploaded from your local machine to the remote machine. Packer plugin for Ansible Provisioner. Packer Plugin Ansible . I see the fix being a change to the SSH configuration for the OS under build. windowsvm: Executing Ansible: ansible-playbook -e packer_build_name="windowsvm" -e packer_builder_type=azure-arm -vvv -e ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin Jun 8, 2023 · Provisioning Flexibility: Packer integrates with configuration management tools like Ansible, enabling you to provision and configure software within the images during the build process, reducing Apr 16, 2021 · This issue was originally opened by @npearson72 as hashicorp/packer#10485. Build an image without the role, run the image in a virtual machine and run the role against the machine and it will work as expected. Nov 15, 2021 · The process work great until the ansible part where ansible try to connect to localhost instead of the server. 04 cloud image in my example but it needs modifying for the example to work due to this other bug hashicorp/packer-plugin-virtualbox#108 but I expect any base image will work given the problem is in the ansible builder. All of the modules require and are tested against For the full list of available features for this plugin see docs. Compose is an excellent way of running IBM Packer Plugin adds on two Packer Builders: one for Classic Infrastructure and one for VPC Infrastructure. py, so it is important to name the plugin in a way that will be sensible to users. Feb 4, 2020 · Packer connection plugin for Ansible. py files of the module itself, via S3. Overview of the Issue Using multi-line arguments in extra_ar Jan 12, 2015 · sebgoa commented on Jan 12, 2015. as per my understanding packer is the default username that packer uses and tried to pass winrm password through build variable like "winrm_password=${build. sudo apt install git jq python3-pip -y. builtin. */ // BLOCK: packer // The Packer Thus, ansible_network_os=nxos will try to load a plugin in a file named nxos. The original body of the issue is below. May 19, 2017 · packer version: 1. setting up inventory plugins. 04 LTS This issue will track the status of Packer WinRM Ansible connection_plugin as it's state has been very inconsistent regarding the latest releases of Ansible. I am curious if this change is still needed after the vSphere v1. Oct 2, 2020 · However, because of the plugin architecture of Packer, Packer still expects a "communicator" (in this case the SSH communicator) to be defined regardless of what plugin is used. Click nginx-test-pip, copy the Public IP Address and check it on your browser. These images are just a default Windows Install with license key, openstack drivers and sysprep. 7+ and Ansible together. The purpose is to create a base OpenStack Windows image. 0. aws collection contains a number of modules and plugins for controlling Amazon Web Services (AWS). Packer version. host_list declined parsing /tmp/packer-provisioner-ansible87uu7yu as it did not pass its verify_file() method. Warning: If you are not familiar with Ansible and Vagrant already, we recommend starting with the shell provisioner. Public methods of these plugins may be called from a module or module_utils with the connection proxy object just as other connection methods can. Jul 22, 2020 · Hi, I’m sorry but I have problem from long time with packer. i-123abc/) as the prefix. json which will pause at every step. 01) provisioner I get: Build This value is a starting point. 由于我们将连接到VMware vCenter服务器,通过Packer发送我们的命令,我们需要将我们的证书存储在我们接下来要创建的配置文件之外。. Here’s the build file: /* DESCRIPTION: Debian 12 (Bookworm) build definition. Read thePacker documentation for more information. Installation Using pre-built releases Using the packer init command . A common use case is creating golden images for organizations to use in cloud infrastructure. I have successfully created the template with a preseed. However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible. 04 Packer 1. Create a minimal packer build with an ansible playbook; Run it. Put the files below in the same directory and run packer build packer. This will cause detailed logs to appear on stderr. This issue was originally opened by @jf as hashicorp/packer#10690. cd ~/projects/packer-ansible-aws. Requirements for the AWS modules are minimal. roxy Currently if packer's ansible communicator plugin will use an ssh proxy to connect to the image vm it will create a defunct ssh key using RSA/SHA-1 which fails on newer hosts such as jammy. Another option is to run packer build -debug packer_example. Jun 22, 2023 · 2023/06/23 15:51:11 packer. The builder builds a virtual machine by creating a new virtual machine from scratch, booting it, installing an OS, rebooting the machine with the boot media as the virtual hard drive, provisioning software within the OS, then shutting it down. py Ansible connection plugin and it works fine with Linux . For Packer to load the plugin, it must be named with the convention packer-plugin-NAME, and placed in Packer's plugin directory, as documented in Configuring Packer. Mar 1, 2021 · packer, terraform, ansibleの使い方がわかっていている前提です。. That Means Success!!! Dec 4, 2021 · For configuring Packer on what instructions to run and what plugins to use for building the image, you must use a template. There is the actual “ansible” provisioner or one can also run a local shell using the “shell-local” provisioner. If necessary, you can Nov 27, 2023 · type Config struct { common. Connection plugins allow Ansible to connect to the target hosts so it can execute tasks on them. Your build is failing in the VM creation and the problem is not related with reading the ISO from the Content Library. Reproduction Steps Run packer build -on-er {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"docs/provisioners":{"items":[{"name":"ansible-local. However, the old server was broken and, we built a new server. Mar 6, 2020 · Hi all, I am attempting to add an ansible local provisioner to the MAAS Cent OS 7 packer build file and it crashes every time with a “Build ‘qemu’ errored: unexpected EOF” and “panic: runtime error: invalid memory addre&hellip; To specify a password for sudo, run ansible-playbook with --ask-become-pass ( -K for short). terraformでインスタンスを動かす. This is not a built-in Packer builder, but is instead a plugin created by the 4 days ago · Amazon Web Services Guide. When this happens, HashiCorp may use GitHub's option to archive the plugin’s repository, to clearly signal the plugin's status to users. This packer settings success in my local environment and Amazon linux2 ec2 environment. Jun 9, 2021 · Overview of the Issue Ansible provisioner fails when run by Packer, runs successfully on its own. Also the ssh proxy will default to false in the future regardless. At Codeship we run immutable servers which we internally call Checkbot. custom partition table). Password}" and ansible_env_vars = ["WINRM_PASSWORD={{. If you have an SSH agent configured on the host running Packer, and The Vagrant Ansible provisioner allows you to provision the guest using Ansible playbooks by executing ansible-playbook from the Vagrant host. 7 ansible 2. Reproduction Steps. sftp_command (string) - The command to run on the machine to handle the SFTP protocol that Ansible Apr 10, 2023 · Oh nevermind, the plugin thing is from not setting no_proxy. yml file. Callback plugins enable adding new behaviors to Ansible when responding to events. ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory ansible/packer_active_directory. 11 j Mar 14, 2024 · To use this VMware dynamic inventory plugin, you need to enable it first by specifying the following in the ansible. pdc. winrm for easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same connection plugin name. Can you describe why you want to use it without the proxy? On Mar 3, 2016 7:17 PM, "Łukasz Kostka" notifications@github. WinRMPassword}}"] but still the same issue. Jan 5, 2020 · I need to create VM image with Packer and Ansible, I use ssh. sudo pip3 install ansible pywinrm. 0 packer host: Ubuntu 16 builder type: amazon-ebs. Problem description: Ansible 2. $ packer build -only='build. cfg file: [inventory] enable_plugins = vmware_vm_inventory. vsphere-secrets. I installed ansible 1. 1:2708 2023/06/23 15:51:18 packer. IBM Packer Plugin adds on two Builders — one for Classic and one for VPC. x":{"items":[{"name":"packer. However, when I use AWS Codebuil Jun 10, 2022 · Packer Plugin Ansible. vmware. This means Ansible must be installed on the remote/guest VM. 04 machine (created by vagrant). Integration Program; Community Tools; Debugging; Resources; Install Packer. For the full list of available features for this plugin see docs. Of course, there are constant changes to the setup of these images. ansible provisioner fails with "failed to transfer file" hashicorp/packer-plugin-ansible#110. This role builds custom Linux and Windows VM template images using Packer. 5. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name winrm. but with Windows it fails: ==&gt; amazon-ebs: Connected to WinRM! ==&gt; am I am trying to provision an Azure image with Packer and Ansible. . hcl packer-plugin-docker main. script declined parsing /tmp/packer-provisioner-ansible87uu7yu as it did not pass Jul 22, 2022 · I dont see any option in azure-arm to set winrm_username and winrm_password. 0 license, and created by HashiCorp. The SSH communicator does this by using the SSH protocol. description: Hostname/ip to connect to. hcl packer-plugin-docker $ $ packer version Packer v1. 4. 6. This is required even for modules which do not explicitly send files (such as the shell or command modules), because Ansible sends over the . When local_port is missing or empty, ansible-provisioner will listen on a system-chosen port. I strongly recommend upgrading to at least that version in order to use Ansible with WinRM. - This connection plugin allows ansible to communicate to the target packer machines via ssh based connections for powershell. Overview of the Issue packer is passing wrong ssh key file to ansible provisioner in scenario where we want to use a local key file for ssh connection. Jul 26, 2023 · $ ls main. 1:57227->127. 0 introduces a rewrite of the way it sends commands to winrm-based nodes. Could you 4 days ago · To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install community. The plugin includes two builders which are able to create images, depending on your desired strategy: vsphere-iso - This builder starts from an ISO file and utilizes the vSphere API to build Connection plugins. If you would like to provide a more complex command, // for example, something that sets up a virtual environment before calling // ansible, take a look at the ansible wrapper guide below for inspiration. Running from a Git checkout is fine. hcl line 8: (source code not available) known provisioners: [azure-dtlartifact windows-restart chef-client shell puppet-masterless converge puppet-server salt-masterless windows-shell sleep ansible chef-solo powershell inspec ansible-local breakpoint file shell-local] Error: Unknown Apr 21, 2023 · To run Ansible within Packer, HCL syntax was introduced for readability. json file has defined Ansible provisioner: { "type": "ansible", " Mar 29, 2021 · on Mar 29, 2021. Files sent via S3 will be named in S3 with the EC2 host ID (e. mdx Apr 29, 2020 · Step 2: Create AMI using packer and ansible inside the above-created network We are going to use our ansible configuration which installs nginx and setup static page. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see Requirements for details. Please vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request; Please do not leave "+1" or other comments that do not add relevant new information or questions, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request Apr 16, 2021 · Packer appears to have a bug to do with replicating Ansible's standard relative path behaviour with local collections. docker. 7, Packer supports a new packer init command allowingautomatic installation of Packer plugins. Apr 6, 2022 · Error: Unknown provisioner type " comment " on source. It appears that when you use the Ansible user task for the user packer is using in the Ansible provisioner, login breaks. This connection plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. Upon successful compilation, a packer-plugin-proxmox plugin binary file can be found in the root directory. If a use_proxy is false, the Ansible plugin pulls information out of that communicator to figure out how to set up its own connection settings. I have tried many configuration, but I have still a problem of connection to the instance. codedeploy でデプロイ. Today, I try on fresh Ubuntu Focal install, but same problem. Hi, I am running packer 0. To use it in a playbook, specify: community. Can be supplied as CLI option. Starting from version 1. However, if you are comfortable with Vagrant already, Vagrant is a great way to learn Oct 1, 2023 · Packer has builders and plugins for many different sources. Dec 10, 2018 · To speed up the process we can launch a separate instance from the same base image, test the playbook via Ansible directly, verify the provisioning steps and then use the playbook via Packer. For detailed instructions on how to install Packer, see this Getting Started May 3, 2018 · I want to make AMI file from packer and ansible. Ansible Local Provisioner. Reproduction Steps builder snippet "ssh_username": " { {user `ec2_ssh_user`}}", "ssh_pr Apr 3, 2020 · The “use_proxy” option mentioned in that guide was introduced this past May, in version 1. 2 by hand , it's in the PATH at /usr/local/bin but when I try to create a packer image with the docker (1. cfg file, but I’d also like to attach an iso with cd_files that include a templated cloud. Warning: Bundled plugins used This template relies on the use of plugins bundled into the Packer binary. I'm using the Ubuntu 22. ansibleで環境を整える. github-actions bot closed this as completed. Ubuntu 20. Installation Using pre-built releases Using the packer init command Mar 3, 2016 · It's not possible to run ansible without the proxy due to the current design of Packer. 2023/06/23 15:51:18 packer. The Qemu Packer builder is able to create KVM virtual machine images. 4 days ago · This guide will describe how to use Vagrant 1. Contribute to hashicorp/packer-plugin-ansible development by creating an account on GitHub. general. i255d September 24, 2020, 3:14pm 5. In part 1 of my series on Declarative Docker Enterprise, I describe how we used Packer to create a golden image for the VMs that will later make up our Docker Enterprise cluster. This will fail due to the validate row in the main. Mar 8, 2010 · azure-arm. This guide assumes that you already have Ansible installed and working. Let’s create a directory for our project. The Ansible multi-component plugin can be used with HashiCorp Packerto create custom images. yml. Nov 15, 2023 · Hello, All. This causes the current "packer" connection plugin to fail. This allows us to SSH to the instance while it’s 4 days ago · Note. Is there any way to disable ssh proxy ? (why not log in directly to a host?) Is there any way to pass remote ip to shell Feb 21, 2022 · Description Which provisioning using Ansible, I often need to reboot the VM but there is no such option as expect_disconnect Potential configuration provisioner "ansible-local" { max_retries = 5 playbook_dir = "ansible" playbook_file = " Jun 14, 2023 · It begins with the packer block, which outlines the essential plugins required for Packer, including qemu and ansible. Oct 2, 2020 · Packer lets us create machine images for a variety of platforms through code. Here is my packer conf: { "variables": { " May 17, 2022 · nywilken added the remote-plugin/ansible label. mkdir -p ~/projects/packer-ansible-aws. pkr. Aug 8, 2022 · python version = 3. 4 Host platform: Ubuntu 18. 60 Ansible 2. Apr 16, 2021 · Invoke that role from Packer. to join this conversation on GitHub. Sep 19, 2023 · In this case you will use Packer to deploy each new VM, which is still quite feasible. windowsvm: Using WinRM Password from Packer communicator ==> azure-arm. py. If you’re not familiar with Vagrant, you should visit the documentation. json>. What does unmaintained mean? The code repository and all commit history will still be available. I’m getting the following errors while I was running a playbook. json. 5 (default, Nov 24 2021, 21:19:13) No config file found; using defaults. g. Packer v1. yml or . In the end, a new way of running a Packer build was introduced — Docker Compose. To install the compiled plugin, please follow the official Packer documentation on Aug 7, 2023 · Once the following prompt is encountered, type yes then press Enter. Stop it with CTRL-c, then execute the playbook with -K and the appropriate password. packer-builder-arm - flexible builder lets you extend or build images from scratch with variety of options (ie. yml task. An alternative would be to consider using `use_proxy=false` option in plugin, however we are not sure what could be the implications of this. The practice of bundling external plugins int Feb 15, 2021 · Packer creates the VM and after that reads the ISO from the content library. This post will detail how that is done. This plugin supports being run from WSL2 provided its run from a windows filesystem and the PACKER_CACHE_DIR is set to a path on the windows filesystem. It used to be working fine before. Give the use_proxy: false option a try and let me if that solves your issues. amd64' -except='pp-*' . description: Authentication password for the C (remote_user). ansible-provisioner will attempt listen for SSH connections on the first available of ten ports, starting at local_port. It was migrated here as a result of the Packer plugin split. 3 plugin release which contained a fix to the Go crypto/ssh client containing a fix for legacy key algorithms. Oct 13, 2023 · Hello, I have a Debian 12 packer template I’m trying to build. Quick mention to our variables. exe plugin: [DEBUG Jan 6, 2022 · I'm trying to enable OS Login on a previously working Packer + Ansible setup. The ansible-local Packer provisioner will run ansible in ansible’s “local” mode on the remote/guest VM using Playbook and Role files that exist on the guest VM. ansible-galaxy install justin_p. Okay, looks like you’re having issues even launching the instance because a new feature requires a new set of permissions that your user doesn’t have. Simplified Packer Buildfile Sep 8, 2021 · Prepare: sudo apt update. These are the machines responsible for running your tests, deploying your software and reporting the results back to our web application. Many OS installation parameters can be set as Ansible variables to allow for a high degree of customization. After some searching around and looking through a number of bug reports, I found reference to an Ansible connection plugin for Packer. By default, callback plugins control most of the output you see when running the command line programs, but can also be used to add additional output, integrate with other tools and marshal the events to a storage backend. Installation Using pre-built releases Using the packer init command. Oct 2, 2019 · My Codebuild project that it creates AMI by packer by ansible provisioner. windows. The amazon. 5 on a ubuntu 14. 2 $ packer init . Packer¶ Introduction to Packer¶ Packer is an open-source virtual machine imaging tool, released under the MPL 2. Oct 27, 2021 · 假设您在Linux上执行以下任务。. A Packer Builder is a Packer component responsible for creating a machine image. PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"` // The command to invoke ansible. packer (+ansible)でアプリケーションが乗ったAMIを作る. Usially ansible have output. cfg file. windowsvm: Not using Proxy adapter for Ansible run: azure-arm. May 31, 2019 · Step 2: Create a Project Skeleton. I was able Thanks for your reply. Playbooks and Roles can be uploaded from your build machine (the one running P {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"provisioner/ansible/examples/connection-plugin/2. Install latest packer version. as kb aj pz ca if bw ba il fz